And this is why we cant have nice things…

At the University of Reading we have this new and fairly expensive 24 hour study space imaginatively named “The Study” consisting of several rooms painted bold colours with comfy chairs. It’s electronically locked at all times, but with a simple swipe of your campus card all can gain entry – well for the few who have actually bothered to find out how to get in that is.

Let me just show you here the Study is located on campus:

ImageSo as you can see, The Study is right next to the bar and club of the students union and from the carefully drawn and highly accurate paths of drunk students as they stagger their way home, they come in close contact with the building.

Wednesday night was a union night.

This is what greeted users on Thursday morning…

ImageAfter shock came laughter, then came concern. We’ve all seen the photos of drunkards that have passed out at parties and their “friends” stacking items on them, so naturally we though there might be a person under it all. There wasn’t.

Being the good student I am, along with my friends, we decided to dismantle the structure to the drunk gods only to realise we didn’t get a photo. So we put it back together, took a snap, and then proceeded to take it down again!

It’s sad that this kind of thing happens though. For most of last year there were countless petitions going around for students to have access to a 24 hour study space at the uni (for the access the uni network gives us) and now that we have it, this happens. I’ve used it loads, but if this keeps happening I not sure how long it’ll last before it’s closed, which is sad.

Anyway, for my next post I shall be looking at handwriting. Sounds thrilling right. Well for me it is and I hope I can convey some of that onto you. Peace out šŸ˜€

Notebook obsessions

I love stationary. I love notebooks. Iā€™m a self confessed stationary snob. There are countless notebooks in my possession, but Iā€™ve tried to be good and limit the number I have at universityā€¦ yeah thatā€™s not gone that well. The count for notebooks at uni stands at a dozen ā€“ but it wonā€™t stay that way for long!


So what do I use these notebooks for? Well theyā€™re for all manner of important things, like taking notes. I know thatā€™s a strange concept, using a notebook for actually taking notes, but thatā€™s what I predominantly use them for. Sometimes theyā€™re used for important notes like those I get from lectures and laboratory work for my dissertation and other times they could be filled with utterly useless things, the scrawling’s of a mad man, and doodlesā€¦ lots of doodles.


OK, some of the above arenā€™t actually notebooks, but they still hold the same rank to me. Year diaries and writing sets are just as desirable. I like the touch of class that comes with a writing set, not like those you get as a last minute gift ā€“ pretty patterned cards and envelopes with a pencil, Iā€™m on about the leather bound cases which has high quality paper and envelopes (By high quality I mean Basildon Bond or Three Candlesticks).

I used to be terrible at keeping a diary up-to-date with all my upcoming events and actually checking it, but over the past few years with increasing number of things going on I have found them invaluable. As my need for them increased, they joined the ranks of my notebooks. Originally starting with Ā£-shop ones, I have moved up to using a A5 filofax flex (I know, very un-hipster like :P) and I use it every day. Meetings, lectures, lunch or dinner dates, if itā€™s some sort of event itā€™ll go in here. Plus the flex comes with a notebook too so itā€™s doubly impressive to me!

Iā€™ve also put some of my sketchbooks in here with these too. I, again, have to use high quality paper to draw on, like 120gsm or above and crisp white. The paper is able to stand up to more edits, with my constant erasing to get the perfect line, and does generally give a better appearance to the finished picture. The above right plain notebook is my small portable sketchbook which is exactly like this description.


As I said, my main use of notebooks is for uni stuff. They are utterly essential to me when it comes to revision for exams, they seem to be the only way that I can store information to memory, and with more importance come even more pickiness about what notebooks I can use. For me, after using countless other notebooks, it has to be these WHSmith notebooks. Everything I would ever possibly need for my exams goes into these, a combination of my own notes, lecture slides and textbook extracts. Essentially, the sum knowledge of my time at university so far will be found in these 3 notebooks aboveā€¦ they are precious to me.


Sorry if I bored any of you to tears with this post, more things are coming that I hope will entertain you šŸ™‚


ā€¦ I wonder how many times I said notebook in this post :/

iPhone 5C[atastrophe]

So nearly the whole world was told about the new iPhones, the 5S and 5C, the other week in a bombardment of adjectives and soulless passion and in my opinion, despite the fan base, I think the iPhone 5C will fail. Just for the hell of it Iā€™m going to see how many adjectives of my own I can fit in this post.


So in the true Apple fashion, the special event of 10-09-2013 saw the rise of a new iPhone model that is exclaimed to be more beautiful, more powerful and superior in everyway than the previous superior in every way iPhone. The originally named iPhone 5S was launched and Apple enthusiasts had wet dreams that night.

This has been the way since the first prodigal iPhone was launched, and with every following new model, the older one(s) were reduced in price. This brought them down from astronomically expensive to just about affordable (which for a now out dated phone is bad). However, history and tradition was not to repeat itself again. This time they introduced another new model, one that would be cheaper than the marvellous 5S and would replace the previously spectacular 5.

The iPhone 5C then, replacing the 5, must be in every way (keeping with Apple tradition) better? Well, no. It is in essence the exact same as the 5, but with better connectivity with more LTE capabilities and ā€œbeautifully, unapologetically plasticā€. I quite liked the 5 for design, wanting one myself, but this 5C has the same story as Pamela Anderson and plastic surgery. The addition of plastic has made it look worse, despite being the same underneath. Others may like the addition of colour, I personally donā€™t, preferring a sleek black design.

Hereā€™s the thing then that will make it a flop, and Iā€™ll probably get stick for this, Apple is a status symbol. They are expensive stylish products which uses exotic materials for a grand effect, think of the iPhone 5 and itā€™s aluminium casing as a fur coat, itā€™s luxurious and expensive as well as a status. Now, replace this fur with faux fur and itā€™s value decreases. A plastic body is the iPhone 5Cā€™s faux fur and youā€™d expect to pay less for it, except you donā€™t. If the 5 was to remain in production then it would be the same price and so raises the question ā€˜why would I pay the same expensive price (Ā£469) for something thatā€™s less than itā€™s predecessor?ā€™ The iPhone 5C has gone from being the symbol as described to instead symbolising that you couldnā€™t afford the 5S, which goes against Apple fanatic incentive.

Hereā€™s a disclaimer for myself – I know that other phones on the market are plastic backed, but these offer more to the user with the options of removable batteries, SD expansion and not be a year out of date hardware wise. Not only that, the systems they run [Android] are easier to customise and manipulate for those who want to.Then again, Apple products are more reliable, but is this worthy of the price, when no doubt youā€™ll only have it for a maximum of two years before you upgrade and condemn the phone to Mazuma Mobile or Enviro Fone?

If you agree or disagree with what Iā€™ve said, please comment, Iā€™d love to hear what you think.

My previous artwork

So Iā€™ve already described my art style in my introduction post, that being solely pencil not confined by topic, with the title of ā€œAn exhibition in pencilā€. Not all my previous work is up to the standard that I would want to exhibit it, but on here Iā€™ll share it nevertheless, pointing out the ones which I hope to feature by making their name bold in the image captions.



P8110286P8110289P8110290P8110291P8110296P1030354Saker Falcon

From left to right: Tawny Owl; Greater and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers; Great, Crested and Long-tailed Titmice; Kestrel; Kingfisher; Black Crested Titmouse; Saker Falcon. (apologies for some poor images)


My initial interest in drawing was wildlife and birds, which explains the abundance of bird drawings, despite me saying that I cover all genres. These were mostly drawn before I even thought of An exhibition in pencil. I like the variety you get in birds, you can draw a whole bird and it looks graceful, but you can also just draw a wing or the head and it still looks beautiful. So they are my favourite things to draw, but thatā€™s not to say theyā€™ll dominate what I have to show.




Left: Gandalf the Grey; Right: Lindsey Stirling.


I had always steered well clear of drawing people, weā€™re very complicated and therefore difficult to draw. As I got on with other pieces of work and understood more about the working of pencils in art I decided to give it a try and where better to start than portraits. My first portrait I drew was of a once S.O., but I never photographed it so itā€™s not on here. This showed me that I could do portraits Smile. They take a long time to complete, but very rewarding when they are so!

Itā€™s difficult to decide who to draw portraits of as these are quite personal things, so Iā€™ll be sticking with famous people whose faces are already sprawled across the internet for everyone to see. That way thereā€™ll be no awkward conversations ā€œYou drew a portrait of me? Creepy.ā€. Gandalf was an instant must for me to draw giving my obsession with those films and Lindsey Stirling (sheā€™s essentially a Goddess on YouTube) was playing on my spotify at the time of thinking about who to draw so I said to myself ā€œwhy not draw Lindsey?ā€. Again, the difficult task of deciding who to draw is upon me!




A box. Obvs.


Youā€™ve probably seen it on the interwebs, those fascinating pieces of 3-D drawings that look as though they really are coming off the page. Iā€™ve always marvelled at the skill and precision of such work, and I have tried to recreate a piece for myself. To make it a bit easier I started with a simple box, but to me it looks just like a drawing of a box, flat and 2 dimensional. Nevertheless, I will try again with other objects and hope for better results.

Iā€™ll keep you up-to-date with all my upcoming work ā€“ Iā€™m currently drawing a tiger for a family member as a requested present (cheek) and I also have a rose in the works too so weā€™ll see how they both turn out.

A stupidly long introduction…

So for my first post I thought Iā€™d put a bit of everything in here! Starting off with a bit about myself and then going into some of the topics that Iā€™d like this blog to cover in amongst all the other stuffĀ  – so everything!

A bit more about me than what you find on the About page:

As I said Iā€™m currently a student at the University of Reading, studying BSc Environmental Science and looking at going into postgraduate study too. Iā€™ve always been fascinated with the environment, ever since I was a little child and started going on walks in the countryside with my father. I remember I was always pestering him and asking questions about nature. So thatā€™s my main passion in life, THE WORLD – the geology, biology, geography and all that other Earth science jazz.

I like just as much as the next person to hangout with friends, going out for food or to the cinema. I also enjoy going for walks, reading, climbing trees (yes Iā€™m a big kid), getting lost, online gaming (Guild Wars 2) and all the other stuff that most other people like to do too šŸ˜›

What else can I say about myself? Well Iā€™ve put together a quick crib sheet card thing for those few extra things:

Crib sheet



Iā€™ve wanted to exhibit my artwork for a while now under the caption of ā€œAn Exhibition in Pencilā€, but I still donā€™t have enough pieces to actually put together an actual exhibit. What I will do in the meantime, and after the meantime, is post my artwork here for others to see in a ā€˜virtual exhibitionā€™ of sorts. My previous works will be uploaded first and then any other works that I end up doing. Thinking on it, this is actually a good idea, as many pieces of my artwork I give away as gifts to friends and family so here youā€™ll see everything that I do.

What I like about my work is that Iā€™m not bound to a topic or genre so Iā€™m able to draw whatever I want, and that I do (portraits, landscapes, and wildlife ā€“ you name it, Iā€™ll draw it). Some say Iā€™m not creative for sticking to a single medium, but I feel most comfortable using pencils and I produce my best art with them. Why would I then want to use pastels for example and draw a piece that I donā€™t like? With pencils Iā€™m able to get minute detail which is hard to get with almost every other medium. Yes great artists are able to input spectacular detail with paints, but thatā€™s what makes them the greats and Iā€™m just me.

So hereā€™s a piece to start you off with and one of my favourites; itā€™s a Saker Falcon which took me about 2 weeks to draw, totalling about 20-25 hours.

Saker Falcon

So thatā€™s an intro to my artwork, I hope you enjoy seeing the rest!

Cooking and baking:

Now I know this isnā€™t an original use of a blog, but this is another one of my passions. Letā€™s start this time with a photo ā€“ my Cookie Monster cupcakes!


Cakes, breads, pies; Iā€™ll bake it all. I like to cook actual proper food too, like stuff you should have for dinner.

Hereā€™s something that should tell you how much I love cooking (remembering that Iā€™m a student), I have nearly 20 cookbooks compared to the 12 books I have for my course. My favourite of all my cookbooks, and also the favourite of my parents, is the now very old ā€˜Good Housekeepingā€™s Cookery Compendiumā€™ by Waverley ā€“ 1954. You can actually smell the sheer excellence of this book when you open it!

All these cooking and baking escapades of mine will fine their way here and, if I think theyā€™re really good, thereā€™ll be a How-to guide too.


Now my taste in music is diverse. Anything from the latest pop song thatā€™s number 1 in the charts to something that youā€™ll probably only hear in a club at 4am (not that I got to clubs. In fact the first and only time Iā€™ve been to one was at the end of 2nd year at uni!). If it has a catchy tune, a crackinā€™ baseline or good lyrics, the chances are Iā€™ll probably like it, hereā€™s 3 examples:

  • One by Sky Ferreira
  • Greyhound by Sweedish House Mafia
  • Shades of Grey by Delilah

I like a good remix too, hereā€™s my two that I canā€™t get enough of at the moment:

  • Beam Me Up ft. Charlene Soraia & Scuba ā€“ Hercules and Love Affair remix
  • Dirty Laundry by Bitter:Sweet ā€“ Skeewiff remix

Oh and you canā€™t deny the excellence of a bit of classical music, be it modern (Ludovic Einaudi) orā€¦ er ā€¦ classical (Vivaldi).

There is some music though that I canā€™t really stand. Most of the modern R&B *cough* Rhianna *cough* and Rap *cough* Wretch32 *cough* will cause me to turn off whatever is playing their songs (if you can call them songs. Luckily most songs only last 3 or 4 minutes so I donā€™t have to wait too long.

Iā€™ll post some very short reviews, aka my impressions, of any music that I think is worth sharing.

All the other stuff:

Literally what it says on the tin. I find myself doing many different things that I think is quite interesting and always tell others about. Did you know that Iā€™ve been to all the places on the Monopoly board, no you didnā€™t as you donā€™t know me, but you do now! That sort of thing as well as that listed above, and in the about section, will make up this blog, along with other quite frankly random things too.

I think thatā€™s more than enough for now, thereā€™ll be plenty more stuff to come in the near future. I hope you enjoy šŸ™‚